Contact us

Got a question for us or want to chat further about our services and experts? Use the contact form below to get in touch.

Your point of contact

Pratibha Mistry

Chief Administrative Officer

We are a reliable point of contact between you and your expert(s) to; diarise any required court attendance; ensure arrangement of report amendments as required; arrange conferences with Counsel and answer any additional (part 35) questions and comments on additional documents

After 35 years of experience in the medical field as a PA, it is still an industry that inspires me every day. I am AMSPAR qualified, and have worked in in Private Healthcare, NHS, and GP Practices.

I started working for Eopinex Ltd. in 2021, providing senior-level executive support and management. I am committed to excellence in service as required in the Medico-legal Practice and am enjoying the exciting journey of Eopinex’s expansion.

Please note our typical response time is 1-2 working days.

Our office

Our offices are open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Outside of those hours, you may leave a message or contact us on the form above. Our team is responsive, reliable and understands the pressures of the legal profession.

Eopinex Ltd
80-83 Long Lane, London, England, EC1A 9ET

Phone: 0203 150 4098
Email: [email protected]