Medico-legal reports

We deliver expert witness reports to assist the Civil, Family and Criminal Courts when instructed by Solicitors acting on behalf of Defendants and Claimants.

If needed, our boutique chamber of experts are also trained to give confident, clear testimony under cross-examination in-person or remotely.

We can help with:

Clinical Negligence

Personal Injury

Criminal Cases

Cases in Family Courts

Our reports cover causation, current condition and prognosis, and life expectancy; taking into account standard of care and if there has been a breach of duty.

Our Associates are experts across a range of conditions, including:

Brain Tumour

Cauda Equina Syndrome

Cerebral Palsy


Epilepsy and Seizures

Functional Neurological Disorders

Guillain Barre and CIDP



Intracranial Hypertension


Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Neuropathic Pain

Parkinson’s Disease

Peripheral Nerve Injury

Spinal Cord Injury

Stroke and TIA

(Transient Ischaemic Attacks)

Subarachnoid haemorrhage

Traumatic Brain Injury - TBI